IST Based Staff and Site Technology Specialist Password Requirements | Passwords
Protecting student and staff digital information is an utmost priority for our district. Considering the information accessible to employees based at IST and with the job role of Site Technology Specialist, it is crucial to continually examine our digital practices. There are several programs attackers can use to help guess or "crack" passwords. However, choosing strong passwords and keeping them confidential can make it more difficult for others to access information. As of February 1, 2023, employees based at IST and with the job role of Site Technology Specialist will now be required to have at least a 16 character password and will be required to change it every 180 days. You will need to change your password on or before February 1st if your current password is older than 180 days.
Password Requirements
At least 16 characters long and meet 3 of the 4 criteria listed below.
- 1 uppercase
- 1 lowercase
- 1 number
- 1 special character
- Change every 180 days (6 months). **Set a reminder to change your password on your calendar every 180 days**
- Cannot include any part of your name.
- Cannot use the last 3 passwords.
Best Practices for Creating Complex Passwords
- Use all 4 of the requirements listed above. (Only 3 are required)
- Use a phrase instead of words. (e.g. THINK0uts!d3thebox).
- Mix it up! Use 4 or more random words to create a password. (e.g. thegr3yf0xRUNSf@st) .
- Be creative with using numbers or special characters in place of letters.
- Avoid repeating passwords.
IST Based Staff and Site Technology Specialist Password Requirements | Passwords | Knowledge Base | Wichita Public Schools (